Episode 52: Tu David Pau

In today’s episode we sit down and connect with Tu David Phu. Chef Tu shares his personal story about why understanding the connection between schools and food matters. When you have consistent access to food that provides nourishment it’s easy to minimize just how important it is for learning. Chef Tu reminds us that the playing field is not equal and we must advocate for free access to healthy foods for all students at school.

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Episode 51: Justin Toomer

Welcome to season three of Education Suspended! We kick off this season with Justin Toomer. Justin dives into the role curriculum should play in opening doors and uncovering new content. He highlights the reality that the better school experience students have, the more likely they are to consider becoming educators. Justin reminds us to use data in a way that doesn’t just tell the story that has already been written for so many of our students.

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Episode 50: William Tucker

In our last episode of Season Two we connect with William Tucker, who challenges all of us to stop, and ask ourselves, why do we educate? William focuses on shifting our archaic system away from memorization and aims to provide students an educational system that promotes understanding. He specifically specializes in literacy and shares why equipping students with a solid foundation of literacy and comprehension is vitally important to all future disciplines.

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Episode 49: Malika Ali

In today’s episode we sit down and connect with Malika Ali, the Chief Innovation Officer at the Highlander Institute. Malika’s transgenerational story is rooted in the pursuit of education, and she shares with us how the passion of past generations drives her own desire to empower students. She connects that curriculums need to provide both, windows and mirrors, for students so they can see themselves and better understand how they fit into the world.

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Episode 47: Tiffany Lennon

In this episode we sit down and dialog with Tiffani Lennon, the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida. Tiffani highlights how important it is to stand together to change systems and fight for equality. She also shares the impact that living in areas that do not emulate belonging and safety have on our students. Tiffany says that letting teachers be teachers is so important and holds such power.

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Episode 45: Barak Ben-Amots

In this episode we have an amazing conversation with Barak Ben-Amots, the Educational Director at Flying Pig Farm. Barak highlights the importance of helping our students and educators reconnect with the land in an attempt to help them reconnect with themselves. He shares some phenomenal examples of how getting students outside promotes learning and regulation. As an educator, he truly understands that no one grows alone, and by getting kids access to nature he has uncovered a new found joy in teaching.

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Episode 44: Megan Bartlett

Today we connect with our friend Megan Bartlett, who is truly trying to change the game for our student athletes. Megan highlights why sports are so important and the power that comes when our students are given the opportunity to play. Sports can bring a strong sense of belonging and promote regulation and learning in so many ways. Megan also emphasizes that we must be aware that accessing sport is not equal and shares how her organization is working to level the playing field.

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