Episode 66: Joel Pippus

Push to Heal

hosted by: Jessica Pfeiffer & Steve Graner

About our guest:

In today’s episode we sit down with Joel Pippus, the Project Lead for Push to Heal, which uses skateboarding as a component for treatment and education with high needs students. Joel highlights different ways skateboarding can be used as an education tool and mental health strategy to support growth with students. He shares different ways it promotes regulation and can build executive functioning abilities. Joel’s own personal story directly shines the importance of the continued need to think outside the box for better ways to serve our students.

Joel Pippus is a certified Child and Youth Care Counselor with Hull Services, a non-profit organization in Calgary, AB. Currently, Joel works at Hull’s program Pathways To Prevention: A Centre For Childhood Trauma as the Project Lead for Push to Heal and Training and Education Facilitator. Joel has presented locally and internationally about the Push To Heal project, and continues to develop resources (like the Push To Heal short film) and partnerships in the social skateboarding space.

Visit the Push to Heal web page for more info